A camera signal jammer is a device whose working principle is to interfere with the normal operation of the camera by emitting interference signals, thereby achieving the purpose of shielding or interfering with camera shooting.

  Cameras usually work by capturing light and converting it into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to related equipment for processing and recording. The working principle of the jammer is to use electromagnetic signals or other interference methods to interfere with the signal transmission of the camera, causing the camera to fail to work properly or the quality of the captured images to decrease.

  Specific interference methods may include the following:

  1. Electromagnetic interference: The jammer emits electromagnetic waves, interfering with the radio frequency of the camera, making it unable to receive or transmit signals normally.

  2. Light interference: Using strong light or light of a specific wavelength to interfere with the photosensitive element of the camera, affecting its light perception and imaging capabilities.

  3. Signal interference: The jammer can send interference signals that are the same or similar to the camera signal, making the camera unable to distinguish between real signals and interference signals.