Surveillance cameras are relatively common electronic and optical devices in our lives today. Whether they are social groups, government departments, security departments, enterprises or individuals, they are all involved in them. Many departments use them for security reasons, and some Many are used to monitor the working status of employees, and some are used for social stability and to facilitate relevant departments to investigate some cases.

  Regarding the interference channels for monitoring, we basically divide them into the following categories:

  1. Video signal jammers: This is a direct interference to the camera. It is a research and development technology that combines radio and polarization technology. Radio optical waves can form a light surface shielding signal. It will compress the light source of some electronic imaging devices, so that The entire screen will turn into a black screen state. Although it is easy to detect, after all, the privacy during this period is safe;

  2. Wireless network shielding method: There are two shielding methods. One is to extract the MAC address of the network data system and then set the interference terminal to the same IP address band as the machine, so that data packets can be lost and the binary data of this time period can be intercepted. The transmission code makes the video of this period completely disappear from the monitor or data cable. The second method is relatively simple, directly blocking the corresponding wireless network, causing the data transmission terminal to have no record even after it is ingested;

  3. Wired data interference: The same as the previous method of wireless data interference, but there must be an anti-shielding carrier, because limited data usually has a grounding and anti-interference system, so usually the traffic camera jammer needs to pass through this shielding layer Ability.

  Surveillance camera signal jammer products basically use the above-mentioned technological methods. With the development of imaging technology, new products may continue to appear, and we are also in the process of continuous research and development.