The Los Angeles Police Department is warning residents that thieves are using WiFi signal jammers to easily disarm network security cameras and sirens. These devices can be purchased at cheap prices on marketplaces like Amazon.

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Tech-savvy thieves have been using WiFi jammer devices to get into homes without setting off alarms, Los Angeles news station KTLA5 reports. This has raised concerns about the reliability of security devices like Ring and Eufy. Thieving networks have been using WiFi jammers for criminal activity, and this behavior was reported several years ago. Not only are these jammers easy to purchase, they are also quite affordable.

Although technically, the use of these jammers is illegal in the United States. According to a 2020 warning from the FCC: “The use of phone jammers, GPS blockers, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or interfere with authorized radio communications violates federal law.”

However, these warnings appear to have failed to attract enough attention. Last month, police in Minnesota discovered that WiFi jammers were involved in nine robberies over a six-month period. Fortunately, burglars still prefer to attack unoccupied homes and use non-violent means.

In response to the latest situation, the Los Angeles Police Department is recommending that homeowners use hardwired alarm systems instead of relying on WiFi and make sure their homes are well lit at night.