With the widespread use of mobile phones, their functions are also constantly improving. Now we can access the Internet anytime and anywhere. Mobile phones have brought great convenience to our lives and provided a quick channel for communication between people. Mobile phones are improving and While improving our quality of life, it also brings some disadvantages. In some special places, there is a risk of information leakage, or in some special environments where mobile phones cannot be used, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to use a mobile phone signal jammer in these situations.

  The installation point of the mobile phone signal jammer should be determined based on the actual area:

  1. For single space

  Generally, small and medium-sized sealed rooms have a relatively transparent use environment. This kind of installation and use is relatively simple and the number of points is small.

  2. Medium and large space 100-300 square meters

  For example, in an execution room with a larger space of 100-300 square meters, it is generally necessary to use 1-2 mobile phone signal jammers to achieve the shielding effect. There are no specific requirements for the installation location. It can be installed on the ceiling above the installation or on the suspended ceiling. It can also be installed in the installation table, wall, corner and other places.

  3. Large space of more than 300 square meters

  • Mobile phone signal jammers are used in places with large spaces. During installation, the installation points of the jammer can be selected by equidistant distribution according to the length, width and height of the site environment.
  • The number of mobile phone signal jammers to be used at least three pieces. The installation method is recommended on the ceiling, so that the number of points is less and the coverage is good. Install it on the walls on both sides.
  • In order to ensure the shielding effect of the mobile phone signal jammer, it is recommended to understand its usage site before purchasing and installing it. It is recommended to choose the installation location according to its coverage and not to install it at will, in order to achieve better shielding effect.