• Physical obstacles not only block microwave wireless signals, they can also absorb electromagnetic energy and generate weak currents to drain away. Therefore, the largest obstacle in the environment without wireless signals is a metal object with steel bars inside. On the floor of the network, there is almost no possibility for signals from this direction to penetrate. To be able to penetrate, the signal is also very weak.
  • The space in the house is relatively crowded and the space is not open enough. The walls in the room are the main obstacle. Because wireless LAN uses wireless microwave frequency band. The biggest characteristic of microwaves is that they propagate almost in a straight line and have very weak diffraction capabilities. Therefore, wireless receiving devices behind obstacles will receive very weak signals or no signals at all.
  • A wifi signal jammer used to interfere with wifi signals within a certain range.
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  • The working frequency band of the IEEE 802.11b/g standard is 2.4GHz, and many industrial devices also work in this frequency band, such as microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, refrigerators, etc. If there is a strong magnetic field nearby, the wireless network will definitely be affected.
  • If there are multiple wireless devices in the wireless environment, there may be channel conflicts and wireless signal crosstalk problems.
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  • Strong signal interference sources such as radio transmission towers, welding machines, trams or high-voltage power transformers within 100 meters of wireless equipment and cable lines may also cause strong interference to wireless signals or equipment.
  • When signals are propagated outdoors, weather conditions also have a great impact on wireless signals. If it is in a thunderstorm or when the weather is gloomy, the signal attenuation will be severe, while the signal can be transmitted farther on a sunny day.