Suggestions for not being blocked by mobile phone signal jammers:
1. The signal jammer does not really play a shielding role. In principle, it should be more accurately called an electromagnetic interference meter for communication equipment. To prevent a jammer from blocking, it must be prevented from functioning properly.

2. Introduction to the principle of mobile phone signal jammer. During the working process, it scans from the low-end frequency of the forward channel to the high-end frequency at a certain speed. This scanning speed can cause garbled interference in the message signals received by the mobile phone. The mobile phone cannot detect normal data sent from the base station, making it impossible for the mobile phone to establish a connection with the base station. Mobile phones show symptoms such as searching the network, no signal, and no service system.

3. Interfere with the shield to obtain the operating frequency of the internal circuit of the shield, place a radiation source of the same frequency near the shield, and apply a high power level, so that the shield cannot work normally, thereby causing it to malfunction. Invalid.

5. Shield the shield in the true sense, make a shielding body, and place the shielding device in the shielding body, so that the shielding device can be completely disabled.

6. It can only block frequencies below 1900mhz. When the phone switches modes, the frequency will be 2100mhz.