Mentioning "radiation" evokes concern, especially with the surge of household electronics. But what exactly is radiation? How can one mitigate daily exposure? Do mobile phone base stations and signal jammers pose risks?

1. Understanding Radiation:

Radiation involves objects emitting energy as waves or particles. While omnipresent, not all radiation is harmful. For example, sunlight exposure is radiation.

2. Managing Radiation:

  • Limit continuous appliance use, take breaks every hour.
  • Avoid clustering appliances to minimize electromagnetic radiation exposure.
  • Reduce appliance standby time and unplug when not in use.
  • Consider the strongest electromagnetic radiation areas (e.g., back of TV).
  • Opt for 3C-certified electronics to ensure compliance with safety standards.

3. Base Station Radiation:

Contrary to belief, mobile phone base stations emit non-ionizing radiation, which is not harmful. Increasing base stations improves signal quality, reducing phone radiation.

4. Signal Jammer Safety:

Mobile phone signal shielding systems are technically mature and pose minimal health risks. Authoritative tests confirm their low radiation levels, and installation at high locations further mitigates any potential adverse effects on human health.