Residents turn to police for help: Massive home invasions

  San Fernando Valley residents turned to police for help Wednesday after hundreds of brazen home invasions went unsolved. "We think about this every day," said a neighbor who asked not to be named, after showing KCAL a video of his Studio City home being ransacked, with clothes strewn and windows smashed.

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  Thieves use Wifi jammers

  In the massive scheme, thieves disguised themselves as construction workers and used Wi-Fi signal jammer devices to evade security cameras before breaking windows and stealing property. Investigators believe multiple rings of thieves were involved in the thefts.

  North Hollywood and Studio City targeted

  The LAPD said the thefts are the latest in a string of home invasions in North Hollywood and Studio City. So far, police have documented 260 home invasions, but have yet to arrest any suspects.

handheld wifi signal Jammers

  Community discusses increased security measures

  In response to the series of burglaries, homeowners are discussing hiring private patrols to increase security. A community patrol meeting was held on Wednesday night, attended by neighbors and Los Angeles Police Department officers, to discuss the response.