Residents of Janakpuri C4 and C5 blocks are grappling with severe mobile network disruptions caused by 15 newly installed signal jammers near Tihar, Delhi’s largest prison complex. The devices, designed to curb illegal mobile phone use by prisoners, have inadvertently affected over 500 households and 50 shops in the area.

  Mr Vijay Batra, a 55-year-old resident, highlighted the daily hardships faced due to the disruption in mobile services. Daily tasks such as online transactions requiring OTPs have become arduous, often requiring walking 500 metres or more to receive a message. Residents recounted missed deliveries and communication disruptions, severely hampering daily life and business operations.

  Tihar jail, known for housing notorious criminals like Lawrence Bishnoi and Sukesh Chandrashekhar, has upgraded its security measures with the addition of signal jammers and a coordinated call blocking system. While these measures are meant to bolster internal security, they have inadvertently compromised external communications for nearby communities.

  The impact is not limited to inconvenience, but has also affected property values and commercial viability. Real estate prices have plummeted, with potential buyers put off by connectivity issues. Local businesses are struggling with order deliveries and customer communications, forcing some to consider relocating to more accessible areas. Residents have voiced their displeasure, saying they have tried to contact jail authorities for a solution but have been unsuccessful. Attempts to install local signal boosters have provided partial relief but have been overshadowed by new cell phone jammers being installed inside the jail complex.

  Local councillor Rajesh Rishi acknowledged the complexity of balancing security needs and community concerns but assured improvements in the direction of jammers. However, residents remain skeptical about the effectiveness of these measures given the ongoing connectivity issues.


  As the debate between security requirements and community welfare continues, residents of Janakpuri C4 and C5 zones face an uncertain future with limited mobile connectivity. Challenges remain as they seek viable solutions to reconcile security needs with daily communication necessities.