With the rapid development of technology, mobile phones and online games have become an important part of the daily lives of teenagers. However, excessive addiction to games may have a negative impact on students' academic and physical and mental health. In order to deal with this problem, many schools have tried to adopt various measures, among which installing 5G cell phone scramblers has become a solution that has attracted much attention. However, whether relying solely on this technical means can perfectly solve the problem of students being addicted to games is still worth pondering and discussing.

  5G cell phone scramblers transmit electromagnetic waves of a specific frequency to interfere with and block cell phone jammers from receiving and sending 5G signals, thereby achieving the effect of shielding mobile phone networks. In a school environment, installing this device can prevent mobile phones from accessing the Internet within a certain range, thereby preventing students from playing online games in the classroom and on campus. This method has a certain degree of immediacy and effectiveness, and can play a significant role in restricting students' online activities.

  Although 5G signal blockers can prevent students from using mobile phones to access the Internet to a certain extent, their limitations cannot be ignored. First, signal blockers can only work in a specific area, and students can still access the Internet to play games through other means after leaving the campus. Secondly, students may try to bypass the blockage by using technical means such as VPN and continue to indulge in online games. In addition, signal blockers may also interfere with the school's normal communication and emergency contact systems, affecting the school's daily operations and safety management.

  Preventing students from becoming addicted to games is not only a problem that can be solved by technical means, but also requires comprehensive measures and multi-faceted approaches.

  Psychological counseling and support: The reason why many students are addicted to games is due to lack of psychological support and emotional sustenance. Schools should establish a sound psychological counseling mechanism to promptly discover and intervene in students' psychological problems and provide them with necessary help and support.

  Cooperation between families and schools: Preventing students from becoming addicted to games requires the joint efforts of families and schools. Parents should pay attention to their children's Internet use, establish reasonable usage rules, and actively participate in their children's study and life. Schools can maintain close contact with parents through the home-school interactive platform to jointly supervise and guide students' behavior.

  Enrich extracurricular activities: Schools should provide a variety of extracurricular activities to attract students to participate in various interest groups and clubs such as sports, art, and technology, so that they can find fun and a sense of accomplishment in the colorful campus life and reduce their dependence on online games.

  Some schools have achieved good results in preventing students from becoming addicted to games, and these successful cases can provide reference for other schools. For example, some schools have set up "mobile-free classrooms" to prohibit the use of mobile phones in class and set up special mobile phone storage areas during breaks to ensure that students focus on their studies during the study period. In addition, implementing strict network management and monitoring measures to limit network access rights on campus is also an effective means.

  Another successful approach is to motivate students to be self-disciplined through a reward mechanism. For example, schools can set up a "self-discipline award" to reward students who have performed well over a period of time and have not violated the mobile phone use regulations, so as to encourage more students to develop good habits.