Failure of mobile phone jammers in Chiclayo and Piura prisons

  In Chiclayo and Piura prisons, the problem of malfunctioning mobile phone signal jammers continues to plague the authorities. According to a report by Juan Herrera, director of the Northern National Institute of Penitentiary Research (INPE), the devices have been malfunctioning since 2017, but it has not yet been determined when they will be repaired.

  Herrera explained that the repair work is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice and it is expected that the equipment will be restored to normal use this year. However, the number of mobile phones entering Pisi Prison has increased significantly, showing the serious impact of the equipment malfunction on prison security.

Consequences of malfunctioning mobile phone jammers

  The malfunction of phone signal jammers has led to a surge in the number of mobile phones in Piura and Chiclayo prisons. This situation has caused serious security problems, the most prominent of which is the increase in extortion crimes.

  According to statistics from Colonel William Méndez, head of the Criminal Investigation and Judicial Support Department (Divisa) in Lambayeque, 80% of the extortion cases reported in the region come from inside the prisons.

Other problems in Peruvian prisons

  Between March and April 2020, riots broke out in several prisons in Peru, including Rio Seco in Piura, Pisi in Lambayeque, El Milagro in La Libertad, Ancon 1 and 2 in Lima, Yanamira in Ayacucho, Huamancaca in Junín, Castro Castro in Lima, and Chiclayo prison in Lambayeque. The violence resulted in the deaths of 16 detainees and more than 100 injuries, including 45 prisoners, 60 prison staff, and 5 police officers. Given the widespread severe overcrowding in Peruvian prisons (prison authorities reported to the media that their capacity was 142%), the country urgently needs to take urgent measures to reduce the prison population. The failure of mobile phone jammers is also related to the overcrowding of prisons, the lack of management personnel, the lack of supplies, and the lack of timely updates.

Prison mobile phone jammers are being urgently repaired

Measure 1 Juan Herrera said that it is necessary to intensify actions inside and outside the prisons to control the entry and exit of mobile phones in the prisons. So far, more than 60 illegal mobile phones have been successfully seized.
Measure 2 Jammer devices in Piura and Chiclayo prisons failed at the same time, causing problems in the management of mobile phones in these prisons. It is expected that after the repair work in Chiclayo is completed, Piura prison will also start repairs.
Measure 3 Monitoring the activities of prisoners during the repair of signal jammers. This year, 14 prisoners have been transferred from Rio Seco Prison in Piura to other prisons for continuing to engage in extortion activities.
Measure 4 Further investigation and research on the incident. It was found that the prisoners had the phone number and work sketches of the businessman. The successful repair of the signal jammer blocker can effectively prevent illegal and criminal activities in the prison.