The Los Angeles Police Department recently issued a warning to Wilshire residents, noting that a series of recent burglaries involved the use of wifi signal blocker devices, a technology that can disable surveillance cameras and alarm systems through wireless signals. Police reported that these burglaries usually consist of three to four suspects who enter the home through the second-floor balcony. Once inside, the thieves will focus on finding valuables such as high-end jewelry, wallets, cash, etc. in the master bedroom.

The thieves' Operation Mode

  These thieves usually have a getaway vehicle and a driver to ensure they evacuate quickly after the crime. Police said the suspects will use wifi signal jammers to block the home's wireless security equipment, making the surveillance cameras and alarm systems unable to work properly, thereby reducing the risk of being discovered.

Enhance home security measures

To prevent these types of break-ins, police offer some tips to help residents improve home security:

  • Secure your circuit box: Secure your circuit box with a padlock to prevent thieves from tampering with your alarm system.
  • Protect your privacy: Avoid posting on social media or telling Uber, Lyft, taxi drivers, etc. that you will be away from home.
  • Beware of suspicious vehicles: Watch for suspicious activity on temporary license plates, dealer plates, and rental vehicles.
  • Neighborhood cooperation: Share your cell phone number with trusted neighbors and ask them to help collect mail and monitor your home.
  • Install cameras: Make sure your home’s cameras and alarm DVRs are secure and cannot be tampered with.
  • Switch to a wired system: Consider using a wired alarm system instead of a wireless signal alarm system.
  • Add physical security: Install a rod on your sliding glass door to prevent it from being easily opened.
  • Use tracking devices: Place tracking devices (such as Apple AirTags) on valuable items such as jewelry boxes, wallets, or vehicles.
  • Prune obstructions: Trim or cut back shrubs or trees that block the view of the house to improve the visibility of the home.
  • Improve lighting: Install appropriate lighting and safety signs, and make sure your home is always lit when you are away.