Background introduction
Recently, two photos of cars equipped with signal jammers have caused widespread discussion in Kenya. The photos were mistakenly believed to be vehicles used by Kenyan President William Ruto's escort convoy. These signal blockers are designed to block any signal within a radius of 10 kilometers, including drones and mobile phone signals.
Photo misunderstanding
The first photo shows a high-tech signal blocker that can block signals over a large area. The photo quickly circulated on social media, sparking public interest and discussion about the technology. Some Kenyans speculated that President Ruto's convoy might be using this advanced jammer to improve its security protection level.

True source
However, after a reverse Google search on, it was found that the photo actually came from a press release from Dynamite Global Strategies. The company is a defense and aerospace manufacturing company based in the United States and the United Kingdom that focuses on providing advanced anti-drone and RCIED convoy jammers. This article was originally published on December 6, 2019, and describes the marketing of this jammer product.
Other Photos
The second photo is related to the late Tanzanian President John Magufuli. The photo shows a vehicle equipped with a large number of antennas on December 6, 2018, used to escort Magufuli. In Tanzania, the photo has sparked discussion about the necessity and function of the equipment on the vehicle.

Technical Misconceptions
The two photos and their background information reveal public misunderstandings about high-tech jammer devices. Although these jammers have practical applications in protection and security, the miscommunication of the photos has led to misunderstandings and unnecessary speculation about their use.