Successful testing of IED signal jammer in Spain

  On December 21, 2020, Netline Communications Technologies from Israel announced that their C-Guard RJ vehicle-mounted anti-IED (improvised explosive device) system has successfully completed testing and evaluation in Spain. This system has passed the rigorous testing and evaluation of the Spanish Army.

  In cooperation with local partner Aicox Soluciones, the testing of the C-Guard RJ system was a complete success. The Spanish Army has received more than 50 sets of C-Guard RJ systems, which is only the first batch of the total order. These jamming systems will be delivered in succession for use in different departments of the Spanish Armed Forces.

  Netline is a well-known company headquartered in Israel that focuses on the development of various advanced electronic countermeasures systems. After intense competitive field trials, the Spanish Ministry of Defense awarded Netline a €65 million (approximately $79.15 million) framework contract in August 2019 for the supply of the C-Guard RJ system.

Features and Functions of the C-Guard RJ System

  C-Guard RJ is a highly flexible and resilient radio-controlled counter-IED jamming system. Designed to counter a variety of threats, the system can continuously scan the spectrum, monitor and respond to any detected transmission signals in real time. Through concentrated jamming signals and power, this IED signal jammer system C-Guard RJ is able to effectively interrupt various communication means used by the enemy, thereby eliminating threats.

Features of the C-Guard RJ System Reactive (or hybrid) protection, comprehensive coverage of the 20MHz – 8GHz range, including VHF/UHF, all cellular standards, Wi-Fi and satellite phones.
Modular system - slider modules are easily replaced.
Each module is an independent jammer covering a different frequency band.

  Although Netline has not disclosed the specific frequency band range covered by the C-Guard RJ system, Shephard Defence Insight speculates that the system may cover a wide spectrum from 300MHz to 3GHz. This means that C-Guard RJ is able to interfere with a variety of communication protocols including cellular communications, radio bands, and other frequency bands used for remote control devices. This makes the system extremely effective in dealing with diverse communication threats.

  Through this test and evaluation, the performance and reliability of the C-Guard RJ vehicle-mounted jamming system have been recognized by the Spanish military. This advanced anti-IED jammer system will provide stronger security for Spanish troops when performing their missions.