High-tech thieves' methods

  Los Angeles police recently warned residents in the Wilshire area to be particularly vigilant about a series of high-tech burglaries. The cases involved thieves using wifi signal jammer blockers to defeat home security cameras and alarm systems to avoid detection. Police found that these criminals were able to easily purchase cheap wifi signal blocker devices online, which start at just $40, even though it is illegal to use such devices in the United States.

New model of burglary

  According to police reports, these burglaries usually involve three to four suspects who enter the victim's home through a second-floor balcony. Once inside the room, the thieves focus on high-end jewelry, wallets, US dollars and other valuables. In addition, these gangs are usually accompanied by a driver who acts as a lookout during the escape to ensure a safe evacuation.

Police Tips

  • To help residents be more aware, the Los Angeles Police Department's Wilshire Division has provided a helpful security checklist. The checklist suggests the following steps residents can take to enhance home security:
  • Install a wired alarm system: Wired systems are less susceptible to jammer devices than wireless alarm systems.
  • Use additional security devices: For example, install Apple AirTags on valuables or use modern technology such as Ring Doorbell to enhance surveillance.
  • Protect circuit boxes and DVR recorders: Make sure these devices are not easily tampered with by thieves.
  • Optimize your home environment: Install better lighting, trim shrubs or trees, and improve your home's visibility.
  • Be wary of social media: Avoid posting on social media that you will be away, and make sure to notify trusted neighbors to watch your home while you are away.
handheld wifi signal Jammers

Seasonal security challenges

  Studies have shown that there is a seasonal increase in burglaries in the summer. Warmer nights and extended absences due to the holidays are the main reasons for this phenomenon. Police remind residents to pay special attention to security during the holidays and when they are away, and make sure to take appropriate precautions to protect the safety of their homes and property.