Against the backdrop of rising tensions between Lebanon and Israel, GPS jamming by Israel is causing serious challenges for drivers and pilots in Lebanon.

Israeli military signal blocker jammer system's GPS jamming has adverse effects on local Lebanon

  Hussein Khalil, an Uber driver in Beirut, is one of the victims. His GPS system has barely worked properly recently, even erroneously showing that he is in Rafah, Gaza Strip, when he is actually driving on the streets of the Lebanese capital. The problem has lasted for five months and has seriously affected his and other drivers' work efficiency and income. The Lebanese government blames these problems on Israel, believing that they are part of the ongoing conflict between the two countries.

  In addition to ground transportation, GPS jamming from GPS signal jammer system also poses a serious threat to air navigation. Fadi el-Hassan, director general of the Lebanese General Civil Aviation Authority, said that due to the presence of interference, pilots flying to and from Beirut are required to rely on ground-based navigation equipment rather than GPS. He warned that such interference poses a major threat to civil aviation safety, especially when pilots cannot rely on GPS.

  Pilot Avedis Seropian shared his personal experience, saying that he had completely given up using GPS and instead relied on traditional compasses and paper maps. However, he also highlighted the challenges that come with this transition, especially when flying at high altitudes. When pilots rely on erroneous geolocation data when they cannot see the ground, it is easy to panic, leading to potential accidents or disasters.

Israel's GPS signal jamming strategy and purpose

  1. Interfere with enemy navigation and communication systems and hinder the precision guidance capabilities of enemy drones and missiles

          Freddy Khoueiry, Middle East security analyst at RANE Network,expained Israel's main purpose in using gps blocker jammers and GPS signal jamming systems is to disrupt Hezbollah's communications, especially the drones and missiles it uses. Israel not only uses jamming technology, but also implements the "GPS spoofing" strategy to send false GPS signals to the enemy, thereby disrupting their offensive operations.

  2. Improve the effectiveness of psychological warfare in combat

  By interfering with the enemy's positioning and communication systems, the enemy is confused and confused on the battlefield. At the same time, psychological warfare means are used to influence the enemy's combat decisions and morale.

  3. Interfere with enemy military operations and supply chains

  • Affect the supply chain: by interfering with the positioning system, the enemy's supply and transportation routes become unreliable, thereby affecting its combat capability.
  • Disrupt military coordination: cause problems in the operation and command of the enemy's troops, reducing their operational efficiency.
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  4. Protect one's own military operations

  When implementing GPS jamming, Israel will also take measures to protect the navigation system of its own troops from interference, thereby maintaining the effectiveness and safety of operations.

Israel needs to launch military operations on the premise of being responsible to other countries

  In summary, Israel's GPS jamming, while effectively striking the enemy's communication system, poses a major threat to the daily life and air navigation safety of drivers in surrounding countries such as Lebanon. This interference causes unprecedented challenges for drivers and pilots, forcing them to take extra precautions to ensure safety. Israel needs to consider the international impact and the safety of citizens of other countries when carrying out GPS jamming operations.