You may have heard of the "black prison" in the United States, but did you know that these black prisons can also float on the sea? As early as 2005, the United Nations discovered that the United States secretly detained terrorist suspects, especially on warships. In 2008, the human rights organization Reprieve revealed that the United States may have used up to 17 warships as "floating prisons" since 2001. However, the United States denied it.

  Despite the official denial of the United States, the surviving victims are the most powerful witnesses. A prisoner confirmed that before being sent to Guantanamo, he and about 50 people were held in the bottom of a US warship and suffered even worse abuse than Guantanamo. Why does the United States interrogate at sea?

  The "triple guarantee" of the sea prison

  1. Interrogation on the high seas, lawyers and the media have no way to intervene

  2. There are almost no laws on the high seas that can do nothing about these actions of the United States, which facilitates legal sanctions.

  3. Prisons at sea can ensure that prisoners cannot escape.

  So what is life like in a "floating prison"? According to the recollections of prisoners detained on U.S. Coast Guard ships, they were handcuffed in a small space, more than 20 people were crowded together, and they could only get very little food every day. Some people were malnourished and could only steal leftovers from the trash can. After two months of detention, some people lost 50 pounds (about 23 kilograms).

  In floating prisons, some high-tech equipment may also be used to ensure that prisoners cannot contact the outside world. Cell phone jammers are one of them. These devices can effectively block all signals and completely disconnect prisoners from the outside world. How do cell phone jammers work? Simply put, they prevent mobile phones from receiving normal communication signals by transmitting interference signals, leaving the phone in a "no service" state.

  The experience of terrorist suspect Ibn Sheikh Libby is a typical case. He was detained on the USS Bataan amphibious assault ship and was eventually transferred to Egypt. In order to escape torture by the Americans, he fabricated intelligence that Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq was colluding with al-Qaeda. This false testimony became one of the important reasons for the US-Iraq war. Later, Libby was imprisoned in many secret prisons and eventually died mysteriously in Libya.

  The "floating prison" on the sea combines black technology with black prisons to form a new terrorist existence. Although these prisons are designed to protect national security, their operation methods and the secrets hidden behind them have caused widespread controversy. The application of mobile phone jammers in this environment also allows people to see the double-edged sword effect of technology.