The impact of signal jammers on residents' lives

  In communities near Cantel Prison, residents and merchants are facing serious communication problems. Since the prison installed a cell phone signal jammer, local residents and merchants have found that their cell phone and Internet signals have been severely interfered with, preventing them from communicating normally. This problem has lasted for two months, and the intensity of the signal jammer has continued to increase, and the scope of the spread has gradually expanded, causing great trouble to local life.

Complaints from merchants and residents about prison signal jammers

Local businessman Julio Tucux said his demands were not taken seriously Businessman Julio Tucux said he had difficulty communicating with customers because the signal jammers in the prison affected his cell phone signal. He had to place his phone on the window behind the store to be able to get a signal, which prevented him from providing normal service to his customers. He explained that local telephone operators claimed that there was no problem with their service, but the signal problems he and other residents faced could not be solved.
Prison signal jammer affects Abelina's family's communications Abelina González, a resident of Chichiguitan, Cantel, noted that daytime is when she has the worst signal. This prevents her from staying in touch with her children, especially when they are out doing homework, and from communicating and solving problems in a timely manner. González said the signal jammer should only work inside the prison, but she and other residents have found that the signal blocking affects their normal lives.

Community leaders' statements and responses from telephone companies and prison spokespersons

  Community leader Felipe Morales explained that many neighbors blamed the signal jammer installed by the prison for signal problems. Although they complained to the telephone company, they received a response that the signal was normal. He said that community residents were angry about the prison's signal jammer and believed that its installation caused unnecessary interference in their lives.

  Prison system spokesperson Rudy Esquivel responded that affected residents should report these problems to the telephone company. Esquivel explained that the prison does not monitor the strength of the signal jammers, which have been in use since 2013. Although the signal jammers are intended to prevent illegal communications within the prison, they have apparently failed to effectively address communications issues in the surrounding community in the process.