Recently, a Norwegian study on banning the use of smartphones by middle school students in schools has attracted widespread attention. This study shows that banning mobile phone use in schools has a significant positive impact on students' mental health and academic performance, providing strong support for education policy.
Important measures to promote students’ mental health
The Norwegian study involved more than 400 secondary schools with mobile phone bans in place, with data drawn from national student surveys, secondary school smartphone policies and administrative data sets. The study found that when smartphones were banned, demand for school mental health services was significantly reduced. Girls, in particular, need to seek specialist mental health services less frequently, reflecting better adjustment and improved mental health.
Effective means to reduce bullying incidents
Additionally, research shows that cell phone bans can help reduce bullying in schools. Cyberbullying among students has been significantly reduced, especially for girls, whose chances of being bullied have been reduced by 46%. This finding has important implications for improving school safety climate and improving student relationships.
Positive effects on improving girls’ academic performance
On the academic front, banning the use of smartphones has also had a positive impact on girls’ academic performance. Research shows that after the ban, girls' grades and GPAs improved, especially in math exams. This is especially true for girls from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, who benefit the most from this, narrowing the gap in the impact of socioeconomic background on educational achievement.

Key steps to strengthen school education environment
In summary, this study in Norwegian secondary schools provides a strong theoretical basis and empirical support for the implementation of similar policies globally. cell phone jammers play a key role in this process, ensuring student concentration and engagement in classes and campus activities. This low-cost policy intervention not only improves students’ academic performance, but also promotes their mental health and overall social skill development.
As more countries and regions consider similar measures, we can expect to see the long-term positive effects of mobile phone bans on student development and school culture. Future research will continue to focus on the implementation effects of these policies to help educational policymakers develop more effective educational management strategies to ensure that every student can thrive in a healthy and supportive learning environment.