Methods to interfere with UAVs mainly include electronic interference, physical interference and network interference. These methods are introduced in detail below:

Electronic interference

  1. GPS interference
  2. By emitting electromagnetic signals of specific frequencies, it interferes with the GPS receiver of the drone, making it unable to receive satellite signals normally, thereby affecting the navigation and positioning functions, resulting in loss of flight control or increased errors.

  3. Communication interference
  4. Radio transmitters are used to emit strong electromagnetic signals to interfere with the communication link between the drone and the ground control station, making the drone unable to receive instructions or transmit data, resulting in restricted flight or loss of control.

  5. Frequency interference
  6. By emitting electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies, it interferes with the communication frequency band or radar band used by the drone, making it unable to work normally or receiving interference signals, thereby affecting flight safety.

Physical interference

  1. Capture net
  2. Use specially designed capture devices, such as grids or throwing nets, to capture the drone in the air and prevent it from continuing to fly. This method is suitable for UAV interception at close range and will cause a certain degree of damage to the UAV.

  3. signal jammer
  4. Use a signal jammer to block the drone's sensors or cameras, causing it to lose its ability to perceive the surrounding environment, thereby affecting its normal flight or mission execution.

Network interference

  1. Wi-Fi interference
  2. Wi-Fi jammers are used to emit strong Wi-Fi signals so that the drone cannot connect to the base station or mobile network, causing communication interruption or data transmission delay.

  3. Data attack
  4. Through network attack methods, such as intrusion, tampering or denial of service (DDoS) attacks, the control system or communication link of the drone is directly destroyed, causing the drone to be unable to fly normally or perform tasks.

To sum up, there are various methods of interfering with drones, and the appropriate method can be selected according to the specific situation to prevent or limit the activities of drones. However, it should be noted that the use of any interference means should comply with laws and regulations, and take into account possible safety and environmental issues.