Wireless connection is an indispensable part of modern life, and WiFi technology is one of the most commonly seen and popular wireless connection methods, and its construction principle is particularly important for the design of the system. Main article summary: Due to the basic principles of WiFi network, the anti-drought system is based on the drought situation.

  WiFi configuration principle

  Basic structure: WiFi network based on IEEE 802.11 series standard, CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) version. In the current situation, the number of transfers will be fixed, and the number of escapes will be fixed.

  Wireless access point (AP): Wireless access point is the core equipment for Wi-Fi connection, and provides access services for loss management network. The wireless signal can be concealed in a certain range of internal areas, so it is possible to use it for continuous communication.

  Equipment connection: Connect the terminal equipment (such as handheld machine, electric car, intelligent home equipment, etc.) with the Wi-Fi connection and AP construction. During contact, we will ensure the safety of the connection during the process, such as when the equipment is required to ensure the safety of the customer.

  Internet Exploring:WiFi network can be used for non-uniform exploration, comprehensive star shape, grid-like sum mixed type, etc. In the home environment, it is usually equipped with a star-shaped structure, and is equipped with a central access point.

  Anti-drought system

  Shindo selection: WiFi connection is available at 2.4GHz and 5GHz. The anti-drought system can be established before the current situation, the environmental situation, the best way to choose, the escape and other WiFi connections.

  Signal enhancement: Under the current situation where the signal is weakened or dried up, it is possible to use signal enhancement technology to increase the amount of traffic that can be used to cover the WiFi signal. It is possible to use improved transmission lines, signal medium equipment or Mesh WiFi system in practice.

  Intelligent route: Intelligent route can be used to set the connection and the signal quality, automatically change the integer, set the route diameter, and improve the network performance. It is possible to assist with the automatic adjustment of the road when the situation is dry, and the number of guarantees can be maintained.

  Eliminate a high-quality Wi-Fi connection: A small high-quality Wi-Fi device can be installed in a Japanese system, and the ability to perform a self-diagnosis can also eliminate external sources not including signal jammers. In addition, other wireless equipment such as microwave ovens, blue tooth equipment, etc.It can be used to play the drying equipment, and other measures can be taken to remove the drying equipment from time to time.

  Multi-purpose MIMO technology: Multi-purpose MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology allows for multiple routes to be delivered at the same time, with high output power and efficiency. When the situation is dry, multi-purpose MIMO technology can be used for more effective land use signals, reducing the number of users.

  As mentioned above, the principle of WiFi connection is that the system is structured and has high efficiency. It has a streamlined layout structure, a combination of advanced anti-drought technology, the ability to operate under different environmental conditions, and the flexibility of WiFi network performance.