In socioeconomics, there is a basic law: the use value determines the price, and the price fluctuates around the use value. This law is particularly evident in the cell phone scrambler industry.

  The market price of cell phone scramblers is directly affected by the real needs of customers. For different application scenarios, customers' specific requirements for signal jammers will be different, resulting in price changes. For example, in a 50m*50m room, if there are no base stations around, the cost of shielding will be relatively low; while in the case of base stations, the cost will be relatively high. Similarly, if the room is spacious and there are no obstructions, the shielding cost will be lower than the case with obstructions.

  In addition, the frequency and range of shielding needs will also affect the price. The cost of all-weather, full-band shielding needs is naturally higher than the cost of intermittent, partial-band shielding needs. Rough shielding (core area only) costs less than fine full-coverage shielding.

  Configuration and price of shielding system

  In actual projects, shielding hosts and antenna distribution are usually used to build shielding systems. This method can provide customized shielding solutions according to user needs, site layout and signal strength. In this field, our shielding technology is very professional and focuses on results. In particular, government units and information security agencies give priority to purchasing our cell phone jammers for 5G signals. Compared with single devices, systemized software is more reliable, and its price will also vary according to the size of the shielding area and site conditions.

  Family needs and potential risks

  Some parents are worried that their children are addicted to mobile phones and choose to buy expensive 5G mobile phone signal shielding devices. Although this device can effectively shield signals, it may affect neighbors' mobile phone applications during use. If neighbors report it and the three major operators launch an investigation, users may be punished for violating regulations.

  Price determining factors

  In general, the price of mobile phone signal shielding devices is mainly determined by user needs. The greater the shielding demand, the higher the price; the less shielding demand, the lower the price. The original intention of using mobile phone signal shielding devices is to achieve effective shielding effects. Therefore, when choosing equipment, do not ignore the effect because of price factors.

  The price fluctuations in the mobile phone signal shielding industry reflect the economic law that the use value determines the price. Whether it is a government unit, an information security agency, or an ordinary home user, they should choose the appropriate shielding equipment according to actual needs. Only in this way can we ensure information security and privacy while avoiding unnecessary expenses and potential legal risks. In the context of ever-evolving science and technology, the rational use of signal jammers to ensure the best match between their functions and prices is the focus of every user.