With the advancement of technology, surveillance systems are no longer limited to traditional wired connections, but are gradually turning to wireless communications, providing greater convenience and safety. However, this also raises new security challenges, specifically the problem of battling GSM interference. This article explores the working principle of GSM interference and how to effectively protect against such attacks.

The working principle of GSM interference

  GSM interference is a type of electronic equipment used to interfere with GSM (Global System Mobile Communications) signals so that communication equipment within its coverage area cannot communicate normally. These devices normally operate in the radio frequency section, where they can easily hide or interfere with the GSM signals of the alarm system, causing the alarm system to transmit or receive signals from the alarm center without the alarm system being able to do so.

  Criminal Scenes and Challenges Criminals can use GSM signal jammer to easily avoid traditional security systems, for example by stealing property without raising an alarm. These devices can be purchased at a relatively low price on the market and are easy to operate, making them the first choice tool for some illegal entities.

cell phone blockers

  Technical response measures

  •   Fault detection and self-monitoring:
  •   Modern alarm systems are equipped with fault detection and self-monitoring functions. These systems can detect failure or interference with GSM signals and send alerts to users or to the reporting center through backup communication channels (such as PSTN or IP). This type of dual-channel message is guaranteed to interfere with one channel, and the system will still retain the valid message.

  •   Multi-communication strategies:
  •   Modern police systems usually use multi-communication strategies, including GSM, PSTN (public switched telephone network) and IP networks. This multi-route design not only increases the system's stability but also improves its interference capabilities, allowing it to maintain a stable connection with the reporting center even in unsympathetic situations.

  •   Radio frequency diversification:
  •   To avoid the risk of interference with a single frequency, some advanced surveillance systems still communicate over different radio frequencies (such as 433 MHz and 868 MHz). This multi-frequency design greatly reduces the influence of interference, making it difficult for criminals to interfere with signals from multiple frequencies at the same time.

  •   Technological Updates and Compliance:
  •   Surveillance system manufacturers are constantly updating their technologies to address the threat of new interferometers and ensure their products comply with local laws and regulations. For example, some countries have banned or severely restricted the use of GSM interferometers by private individuals, which helps to reduce the overuse situation in society.


      As criminal technology advances, the challenges of fighting GSM interference become more severe, but modern security technologies also continue to advance. Through fault detection, multi-communication strategies and multi-stage design, modern surveillance systems can effectively counter interference attacks and ensure the safety of users and assets. In the future, with the continued progress of technological development and legal enforcement, we hope to make further progress in improving the anti-interference capabilities of the surveillance system, so as to provide society with a safer living and working environment.