The Origin and Civilian Application of Signal Jammers

  A signal jammer device is a signal device that transmits on the same frequency. GSM jammers or cell phone jammers work by transmitting on the same frequency as the GSM system, causing mobile phones to lose functionality in the area of ​​the interference source. Jamming devices were first developed and used by the military to prevent enemy interception of information when tactical commanders use radio frequency communications. Today, such devices have gradually become popular in the civilian field and have become a tool for managing the use of mobile phones in specific places.

The Need for Jammer Devices in Quiet Places

  With the surge in the number of mobile phone users, there is a growing demand for the use of cell phone jammer devices in places that need to be kept quiet, such as places of worship, university auditoriums, libraries, concert halls, and conference rooms. These jammers work by transmitting on the same frequency as the mobile phone, causing the two signals to collide and cancel each other out, thereby overwhelming the phone's reception capabilities. Since mobile phones are designed to automatically increase power when interference is low, jammer devices must adapt to this situation to ensure the jamming effect.

  Mobile phones are full-duplex devices, that is, they use two separate frequencies for talking and listening at the same time. Some jammers block just one of the frequencies, while more sophisticated devices can block all frequencies at once, or even multiple network types, shutting down dual-mode or tri-mode phones. These phones automatically switch between network types to find an open signal, and high-end jammers are able to block all frequencies at once, while other devices can tune to specific frequencies.

Signal jammers can transmit on any frequency

  All you need to jam the communication between a cell phone and a city's base stations is a device that transmits at the right frequency. Different cellular systems handle signals differently, but all cellular networks use radio signals that can be interrupted. Signal jammer devices are equally effective against AMPS, CDMA, TDMA, GSM, PCS, DCS, iDEN, and Nextel systems. Old analog phones and modern digital devices are all susceptible to jamming. Jamming cell phones works the same way as jamming other wireless communications, with cell phones communicating with the service network through base stations that divide cities into smaller areas. As cell phone users move, signals are passed from one base station to another.

GSM Regional Operating Frequency Band
Europe and Asia 900MHz and 1800MHz bands
the United States 1900MHz band
the South America 850 MHz band,900 MHz band, 1800 MHz band,1900 MHz band
jamming drone signals

  Jamming devices transmit on the same radio frequencies as cell phones, interfering with communications between cell phones and city base stations, known as a denial of service attack. The jammer denies radio spectrum service to cell phone users within its coverage area. This jamming method works not only with modern cell phones, but older jamming devices can also be used.