mobile phone shielding bags are a common privacy protection tool. Through closed bags made of conductive materials, electromagnetic signals can be effectively shielded, including wireless signals such as cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. cell phone jammers cannot effectively shield infrared signals. Can mobile phone shielding bags shield infrared signals?

  Characteristics of infrared signals

  Infrared signals are electromagnetic waves with a long wavelength, located between the visible spectrum and microwaves, with strong penetration and permeability. Infrared signals are widely used in various devices and systems, such as remote controls, infrared cameras, infrared sensors, etc. Due to their long wavelength, infrared signals are more penetrable to objects than other wireless signals, so they may affect the shielding effect of mobile phone shielding bags.

  Shielding principle of mobile phone shielding bags

  mobile phone shielding bags use closed structures made of conductive materials to prevent the transmission of electromagnetic signals and shield electronic devices such as mobile phones. Its working principle mainly includes:

  Conductive material: The inner and outer surfaces of the shielding bag are covered with conductive materials, such as metal fiber, aluminum foil, etc., which have good conductive properties.

  Closed structure: The shielding bag is a closed bag, which forms a closed shielding space inside and outside, effectively preventing the penetration of electromagnetic signals.

  Signal isolation: When the mobile phone is placed in the shielding bag, the electromagnetic signals inside and outside the bag are isolated, and the mobile phone cannot receive or send any signals, thereby shielding the mobile phone.

  The shielding ability of the mobile phone shielding bag for infrared signals

  Although the mobile phone shielding bag can effectively shield electromagnetic signals within a certain range, its shielding ability for infrared signals is relatively weak. This is mainly because:

  Infrared signals have strong penetration: Compared with other wireless signals, infrared signals have longer wavelengths and stronger penetration, and are easy to penetrate conductive materials and enter the bag.

  Characteristics of conductive materials: The conductive materials used in mobile phone shielding bags are mainly used to shield high-frequency electromagnetic waves, and the shielding effect on infrared signals is weak.

  In summary, although mobile phone shielding bags can effectively shield wireless signals within a certain range, their shielding ability for infrared signals is relatively weak. Therefore, in scenarios where infrared signals need to be shielded, mobile phone shielding bags may not provide effective protection. For the need to shield infrared signals, it is necessary to use devices specially designed to block or shield infrared signals, such as infrared blockers or infrared blockers. These devices can block the transmission of infrared signals when necessary, such as to protect privacy or prevent interference with remote control devices.