Causes of jammer heating 

  • Heating caused by working principle
  •   The phone signal blocker interferes with mobile phone signals by emitting high-frequency electromagnetic waves. In this process, a lot of electrical energy is consumed, and part of the electrical energy is converted into heat energy, causing the device to heat up. This heating is normal, but if the temperature is too high, it may be caused by other reasons.

  • Failure of the cooling system
  •   The jammer is usually equipped with a cooling system such as a fan and a heat sink to help dissipate heat. If the cooling system fails, the heat inside the device cannot be effectively dissipated, resulting in overheating.

  • Too high ambient temperature
  •   The ambient temperature of the cell phone jammer is too high, which will also affect its heat dissipation effect. If the device is placed in a closed or high-temperature environment, the heat is difficult to dissipate, causing the device to overheat.

  • Long-term continuous operation
  •   When the jammer works continuously for a long time, especially in high-power mode, a lot of heat will be generated. If there is not enough cooling time, the device is prone to overheating.

  Methods to troubleshoot and solve jammer heating

  1. Check the cooling system

  1.1 Check the fan and heat sink


  Check the working condition of the fan: Make sure the fan is running normally without jamming or damage. You can judge its working condition by observing the fan rotation or listening to the sound of the fan.

  Clean the fan and heat sink: Clean the dust and debris on the fan and heat sink regularly to ensure good ventilation. You can use compressed air or a soft brush to clean it.

  1.2 Check the heat dissipation holes


  Check whether the heat dissipation holes are unobstructed: Make sure the heat dissipation holes of the device are not blocked, and you can use a small tool to clean the heat dissipation holes.

  Optimize the placement of the device: Place the device in a place with good air circulation, avoid being close to walls or other obstacles to ensure air circulation of the heat dissipation holes.

  2. Improve the ambient temperature

  2.1 Lower the ambient temperature


  Use air conditioners or fans: Use air conditioners or fans in the working environment of the equipment to lower the ambient temperature and help dissipate heat.

  Avoid direct sunlight: Place the equipment in a place away from direct sunlight to reduce the impact of external heat sources.

  2.2 Increase ventilation


  Optimize ventilation conditions: Make sure the equipment is placed in a location with good air circulation. Ventilation can be increased by opening windows or using exhaust fans.

  Use cooling pads: Place cooling pads under the equipment to help improve air circulation and heat dissipation.

  3. Control working hours

  3.1 Take regular breaks


  Set work breaks: Avoid long-term continuous work, set regular breaks, and allow the equipment to have enough cooling time.

  Rotate equipment: When long-term work is required, multiple jammers can be used to work in rotation to reduce the continuous working time of a single device.

  3.2 Monitor temperature


  Install a temperature sensor: Install a temperature sensor inside or near the equipment to monitor the equipment temperature in real time. When the temperature is too high, it will automatically alarm or shut down.

  Use temperature monitoring software: If the device supports it, use temperature monitoring software to monitor the temperature data of the device in real time and adjust the working time according to the temperature changes.

  The phone signal blocker may have heating problems during use. This problem can be effectively solved by checking the cooling system, improving the ambient temperature, controlling the working time and choosing the right equipment.